Milagro Center

This past week I was asked by Jamie Leigh Griffiths (one of the amazing teachers at the Milagro Center) and Marlies Jones (Director of the Posner Career Center at Wayside House) to come and meet some of the wonderful and talented children who participate in the Milagro Center’s after school program.

I was blown away to see such an art inspired class room! Miss Jamie had a place for everything and there were wonderful inspirational pictures and paintings all over the class room. She had a fabulous way with the students, coming up with clever little games for getting them to help pick up and participate. She seemed to have some sort of magic touch for making learning exciting and effortless. I felt immediately welcomed when I walked in and to my surprise saw my name and some examples of my work on the board.

Ready to work, I had a project in mind since I was there to help inspire the children with creating works of art inspired by butterflies. I’ve always had a passion for self-portraits so I figured a good direction would be to ask the children to create crowns that were their own self-portraits as butterflies. The young artists used paint, glue markers and glitter (which is not used normally but a special exception was made for this project). I was blown away at what they created. I absolutely loved my time spent with the children. Not having kids myself I was worried I may not know how to interact but they were amazing to work with and Miss Jamie even proclaimed me a natural!

I can’t wait to see all the finished art work at the “Give Me Wings” art opening coming up on Wednesday March 27th. The show will feature works donated by the students and by Wayside alumni and other local artists. Please join us at the Milagro Center’s Blueprint Gallery for an inspiring and beautiful evening of art! All proceeds benefit the Milagro Center and some of the artwork on display is both by and inspired by the Women of Wayside House. You can learn more about the event at the link below:

I think the best way to end this entry is with a simple reflection: If there are two important lessons I took away from this experience it would be

1)      The beauty of guiding bright and talented minds.


2)      That the no glitter rule is probably for the best.

- Amanda J.

Amanda Johnson