A Moment of Clarity


As I barrel through life there are moments I get of extreme clarity.

Life has been fast and I have come to realize it’s just getting faster. Finding time to put my ideas on paper definitely takes a wee bit of discipline and determination.

In the blink of an eye, the Wayside House Spring Boutique show came and went. I’m very detail oriented and my works are all handmade so I spent a year preparing the works that would be featured for just a few quick days. The work is worth it because I love what I do and this cause in particular is very dear to me. The Wayside House supports women in recovery, a journey that I’ve had my own experience with. For 11 crazy and amazing years, I’ve maintained my sobriety thanks to a wonderful network of friends and family and adherence to a program that I follow every day. Without a doubt, I couldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for the choices I’ve made. A lot has happened in the past year: the opening of the new Amanda James Gallery, my clothing line, the collaboration between Coast and Koi handmade shoes, my crowns, jewelry, the opening at Gallery Blue Door in Baltimore and the South Parking Garage public project. In every adventure and the obstacles that came with them, I put my best foot forward. I didn’t think about it, I just did.

I realized on my early morning drive to the Spring Boutique show that I have so many healthy practices that have become a part of me. Thinking about the ways I’ve grown and matured, it was abundantly clear that I learned from my mentors. My mom, Leitner Winstead. My muse Pat Moran. All the women I’ve spoken with in the program. My husband, James. My girls, Tina and Pickles. So many people have lifted me up and shown me how to live a life worth living. One person stands out as my North Star through it all, the one who has kept me on the right path: My Dad! He’s always carried himself with grace, talent, compassion, and integrity. He’s a wise leader and a kind father who puts other people before himself. I’m able to lead because of the examples he has set for me. Sure, some days I fall short. I get crabby when I’m tired and I catch myself getting sassy here and there but I stay aware of these traits and work on them, one day at a time. Working on myself with the same vigilance my father has enables me to seek out and partner with women to collaborate with to bring artistic visions to life.

So as I was on my way to the show, thinking about life and my mentors, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude. I picked up the phone and called my Dad. I warned him that I might cry as I spoke my peace and sure enough I did.

"Dad, thank you for teaching me how to be a business woman, how to have accountability and integrity in my word, how to make beautiful things and how to look for and find other artists that do the same. Thank you for believing in me even when I was in darkness. I love you.”

He was silent for a bit but I knew he understood the gravity of each word.

I went in to do the show feeling truly blissful. The day was filled with lovely encounters and I was able to make a really nice donation to the Wayside House. I’d like to take a quick moment to offer special thanks to all the ladies that came to buy my "Art Fashion."

Any time we can all come together to pursue something beautiful is nothing less than a miracle. Thank you all for supporting what I do. The Facebook post likers, the blog subscribers, the boutique shoppers, the nude art lovers and everyone who has ever taken the time to stop into our gallery and see what I’ve put my life and soul into. I wish every day was like this, helping each other and striving for greater. I find peace with the fact that we’re doing our best, one day at a time.

* Part of my reservation in sharing my experience is that I am not sharing my sobriety for kudos or accolades but to be transparent. Maybe my honesty can help someone. I am always happy to share or help should you wish to email me privately.

* While I wanted to dedicate this post to the amazing women I’ve worked with, I’m also incredibly thrilled to work with so many talented men whose efforts help bring our projects to light.

If you’re interested in upcoming events, James has a big show coming up! Please join us at The Cornell Art Museum at Old School Square in Delray Beach on Friday March 6th from 6 - 9pm for the opening of James Knill's solo exhibition:

"Havana, Cuba. A Photographic Essay By James Knill"

Free Entry. Hors-D'oeuvres. Cash Bar.

The exhibition runs from March 6th-22nd.



- Amanda J.

Amanda Johnson